This past weekend our yard received a well overdue makeover. I talked my mom into coming over to “help” and next thing I know, my stepdad came over too and they took over. No complaining on my end, I hate yard work and I’m terrible at it. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t sit around doing nothing, but they definitely get all the credit for this one.
As you can see our biggest problem, other than the fact that our yard was ugly, was that our azaleas were taking over our sidewalk. We also had wooden railroad ties that neither of us were fans of. Our home inspector actually recommended we remove them a year and half ago due to the fact that they attract termites near the foundation of our house. So I’m happy they’re gone now.
Even though Travis planned to study all day, I talked him into helping pull out the overgrown azaleas and hydrangeas. I ended up replanting the hydrangeas elsewhere in the yard. They were too pretty to trash but too big to be next to the stoop.
My mom and I went to Lowe’s and bought (in 3 trips!):
- 4 azaleas
- 4 rhododendrons
- 8 barberry bushes
- 10 hostas
- 18 yellow dahlias
- 18 bags of cypress mulch
It’s days like this when I’m sooo thankful to have Trav’s truck.
My mom and I decided to enlarge the left mulch bed and give it some shape. We used an extension cord to mark the outline of the new bed and then used shovels to edge it. I really love the new shape!
I had the cutest watering crew, wouldn’t you say? There was only one rule: don’t spray me or the “good camera”. Let’s just say they didn’t follow the one rule…
As always, this project is Kimble approved :)
And a special THANK YOU to my mom and stepdad for all their help. I couldn’t have done it without you!
Tagged: Design Waffle, DIY, Yard Makeover